
Cutting-edge mobile systems

Mobile applications are undoubtedly one of the fastest growing sectors in ICT.
In 2008, ZIRAK Mobile was set up within the company as a department specialising in the analysis, development and marketing of applications for devices such as smartphones and tablets.

This department is dedicated to the development of apps, both in-house and for third parties, in native code for all the main smartphone and tablet systems (iOS, Android), as well as in multiplatform HTML5, hybrid (middleware in native code or C#/C++/Java and user interface in HTML5) and Unity3D.

From entertainment apps and tools for professionals to photo-editing systems, geo-localisation and augmented reality, we develop a wide range of applications to meet the most diverse needs. A quality app enables a company to reach all mobile-first users, to communicate with them more quickly and effectively, to stand out from the competition and to increase revenue.

That’s why in a field like ours it is essential to rely on a company of experts: the short, medium and long term benefits are incomparable.

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Expertise in Synergy

ZIRAK Mobile’s activities are not limited to the development phase: in fact, the applications are placed on the stores of the sector in order to give the user a wide freedom of choice.

To this end, the development is combined with an incisive mobile-marketing action in order to advertise all the applications produced in the best possible way. Reaching the widest possible audience is one of our main goals, so that the company’s name and the principles that govern our work are properly disseminated and publicised. The customer has every right to know our working method, which over the years has brought us great results.

The department also creates enterprise and industrial solutions of great value: solutions designed to make company systems more usable on the move and to offer a better user experience for production processes.

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            Dimostra di essere umano selezionando casa.