
Activities and areas of intervention

Development of turnkey applications and consulting in the field of Information Technology and Engineering: ZIRAK has two primary areas of expertise.

In the first case, the work is carried out in stages, each of which deserves the utmost attention on our part. We start with a preliminary analysis stage, during which we work closely with the customer in order to set out clear requirements and development goals.

Subsequently, in the analysis stage, the company carries out the project under its own responsibility and using the best technologies and working methods.
In the second case, the company provides the customer with highly qualified professionals: project managers, analysts, architects, tech lead developers, and testers chosen based on different levels of experience.

The consultants will be included in the customer’s team and will follow the progress of the work set by the customer.

This latter is a fundamental aspect that highlights the flexibility of the company’s operating methods. ZIRAK’s consultants can work directly at the customer’s offices or in mixed mode, i.e. partly at the company’s headquarters and partly at the customer’s offices.
Regardless of the chosen modus operandi, we guarantee a high standard of service and cost-effectiveness.

No Boundaries

We are ready to make our experience and technological know-how available to anyone. Wherever you are, and wherever projects of objective value are created and presented. More specifically, the company has developed vertical expertise in the following areas:

  • Automotive
  • Parcel Sorting
  • Publishing
  • Digital TV
  • Finance
  • Digital Telephony
  • Retail
  • Training
  • Environmental sustainability

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