What is the REDTag project?
Logistic is everywhere. Products, goods, people are constantly moving in a fast-paced environment. Transportation implies damage: 8% of transported goods are wasted, on average, due to damage which occurs during the transportation:
REDtag solution
The REDtag project consists of an innovative and complete Predictive Logistics platform, developed to optimize the processes of distribution chains through an approach based on historical knowledge and on prediction applied in real time.
The purpose of the REDtag is the identification and precise tracking of critical and potentially harmful events occurring on the transported asset, their contextualization based on external conditions and the prediction of future occurrences, thus contributing to the design of smart distribution processes.
REDtag architecture
One of the main components of the RED-tag project is made up of simple, inexpensive, configurable and easily applied sensor tags in an adhesive way, which exploit already widespread technologies (such as NFC, Bluetooth or Ultra-Wide-Band) and equipped with acceleration sensors , temperature, humidity and tilt, able to send detailed aggregate information to the back end.
RED-tag aims to bring mobility to a new level, by collecting a large amount of data from dedicated sensors, combining them with external data such as GPS coordinates, applying Machine Learning a d Deep Learning algorithms, thus allowing the optimization of the logistics infrastructure based on the knowledge acquired on it.
This eventually allows the creation of a new background of knowledge regarding the processes in the distribution chains, in order to identify weaknesses in logistic ecosystems, predict the future behavior of the transportation network, to take corrective actions and to help the planning of infrastructures able to allow more effective interconnected and interdependent economies.

REDtag features

REDtag dashboards
REDtag provides configurable dashboards through tailored mobile applications, to favor the immediate use of the platform and allow complete control.

They talk about REDTag
We are pleased to point out that an article has been written about the RED-tag project in an important scientific journal in collaboration with the EEEPolitecnico of Turin, you can find the text at this link: REDTag: A Predictive Maintenance Framework for Parcel Delivery Services.
REDtag whitepaper
Check out our REDtag whitepaper here!
This project is included in the 2016 strategic research agenda of the ICT Innovation Hub, funded under the POR FESR 2014-2020 of Piedmont and carried out with the contribution of resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Italian State and of the Piedmont Region.